Gerontological solutions from France for the most demanding needs and desires
The serious service and resource for weight loss and associated health care A service of Cellular Revitalization Clinics NY and international associates utilized for the purposes of flat rate delivery almost anywhere in the world.
Introduction: GERn�tic France Cellular Revitalizing Treatments
Beauty and health care treatments which target both cause and effect for amazing, lasting results. The choice of the most discerning and demanding woman. From the Laboratoires Gern�tic Syth�se comes the true Cellular Body Contouring Syst�mes to control the appearance of spongy skin, excess Dimpled, "orange-peel" skin is the bane of most women's existence. Wastes, excreted by the body's metabolism, accumulate in fatty They represent the most advanced French beauty treatment technology, GERn�tic France, with a heritage of purity and integrity. |
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