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Essential Treatment Information
In creating GER-Lift, GERn�tic France have created the world's first genuine anti-aging treatment active in the dermis.
The Syst�me is completely free of superficially active ingredients which work primarily through a mechanism of sustained irritation and inflammation (usually un-noticed) resulting in accelerated skin loss:
- alpha and beta-hydoxy acids
- retinoids
- vitamin overdoses, natural and synthetic
- chemical agents and re-agents.
GER-Lift actively re-creates a youthful dermis, giving rise to a genuinely and lastingly youthful complexion.
The anti-irritation aspect of this technologically advanced collection is important because by definition an anti-age product is:
- required to be used over the longer term and
- must minimize inflammation and peroxidation, the prime causes of the skin aging process, triggered by factors such as inappropriate treatment, excessive sun exposure, allergeric reactions (among others).
The Basis of Treatment
The basis of GER-Lift is the integration of GERnetic's acclaimed, patented knowledge of cellular revitalization therapy in a multitude of fields with their latest advancements in utilizing high content essential marine nutritional elements.
Biotechnology provides the means of extraction of unique sea proteins and their reorganization and synthesis into new compounds of enzymes, polysaccharides and vitamins with specific actions on a variety of dermal functions.
The result: the best results humanly possible to date with no negative side effects, today or tomorrow.
GER-Lift brings to you a standard of care which advances skin treatment light years ahead of the rest. Totally unprecedented and totally unique, this Syst�me firms, illuminates and above all restores biological conditions that are the inescapable pre-requisites for young skin.
For further information on the treatments, please visit the GER-Lift Action Overview and Treatments Overview sections online.
GER-Lift The ultimate in skincare... |
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