GERn�tic France


Cellular Treatments

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>> Quest for Perfect Skin
>> Perfect Bust
>> Perfect Body
>> Perfect Hair
>> Perfect Hands

> Treatment Programs

Beauty need no longer be skin deep

They used to say:
"Beauty is only skin deep."
But they were wrong

Experience holistic, natural beauty for face, bust, body, hair and hands with modern cellular biological treatments from Laboratoires GERnetic Synth�se France.

Perfect Skin Perfect Bust Perfect Body Perfect Hair Perfect Hands
> Cleanse, Tone, Exfoliate
> Eye Contour
> Daily Anti-Aging: Synchro for all skin types
> Protection/Anti-Pollution
Daytime care / makeup base
> Firming Anti-Age
> Lifting/Contouring Anti-Age
> Redness/Broken Capillaries
> Purifying/Correction
blackheads/open pores
> Whitening Syst�me
> Stimulative/Repairing
> Tanning
> Cellular Complements
> Treatment Programs
Bust Development
Bust Reduction
Bust Firming
Bust Stretch Marks
> Treatment Programs
Cellulite + Firming
Slimming + Firming
Contouring + Firming
Body Stretch Marks
Fluid Retention + Firming
Varicose Veins
Poor Circulation
Scars and Keloids
> Treatment Programs
Options Options

At Chateau d'Ensoules in the heart of France, Albert Laporte and his fellow scientists now know better than to believe an old wives tale.

For the last 20 years, his team at GERn�tic have been busy researching the biological causes of the aging process and found knowledge to answer some age old questions.

They know there is no miracle cure that can stand still the hands of time. But today, they can slow down the visible signs of aging on your face, bust, body and even hands like no other.

They know how to smooth out those wrinkles, how to soften those blemishes than can happen in the course of a woman's life, and how to keep the beauty that nature gave you for just as long as is humanly possible.

The secret is to awake the natural, youthful freshness, the original elasticity and biological balance of your skin.

This process is achieved by feeding your body with concentrated, active ingredients based on proteins, vitamins, amino acids and trace elements from natural sources and essential for your bodily functions.

Hypoallergenic, rapidly absorbing and deeply nourishing to your whole body without heavy massage or electrical equipment, GERn�tic will act to replenish your natural balance of nutrients and wellbeing.

The results will show up first in your freshly invigorated skin and hair.

At GERn�tic, like all things French, this process has been perfected into an artform - a regular beauty ritual believed to be the single most advanced method of beauty care available today.

GERn�tic is a spectacular and lasting treatment that gives you more than superficial relief. It is part of a modern, holistic way of life and a totally new approach to cosmetology, based on cellular biological research dating back to the 1930s.

Indeed, the m�thode GERn�tic spells the end of many old wives tales.

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